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In the Media

Faith Getz Rousso New York Adoption Attorney As Seen In Newsday

Faces of Long Island: Roslyn Lawyer Committed to Justice in Family Court

February 2024

“My volunteer work includes my involvement in We Care, a charitable arm of the bar association. I have co-chaired the holiday party, organized 100-plus children to go to an Islanders game and co-planned a fall festival which included pumpkins, riding a mounted-police horse, fire trucks and a DJ. At a holiday party sponsored by the Department of Social Services, I reached out to my generous friends/colleagues, and I collected enough to provide 100 gift cards for teens in care. I really do love my work!”

Faith Getz Rousso New York Adoption Attorney As Seen In Adopting

Adult Adoptee Access to Adoption and Birth Records: History, Controversy, Legislation, and Societal Change

 November 2021

This bill ended the treatment of adoptees as second-class citizens whose story starts in the second chapter. An adoptee can start at the beginning without wondering what happened in the first few pages that set the scene for the rest of the story.

Faith Getz Rousso New York Adoption Attorney As Seen In America Adopts

Looking To Adopt A Child? Start Building Your Team Now

November 2020

As the potential adoptive parent, you are the star player. But as any athlete knows, it takes a team. You cannot do this alone. The combination of all the players on the field will bring you success …  there are no superstars.

Faith Getz Rousso New York Adoption Attorney As Seen In Adopting

Adopting During COVID-19: An Interview with Adoption Attorney Faith Getz Rousso

 Look in the mirror. Can you imagine your future without being a “mommy” or “daddy”? If not, then don't stop your search.past,” Rousso says.

Faith Getz Rousso New York Adoption Attorney As Seen In America Adopts

Opening Adoption Records Allows Adoptees To Know Who They Are

November 2019

I am happy adoptees will be entitled their original birth certificate as of January 15, 2020; and that, as an adoption professional, I am not required to be part of the process to seal original birth certificates in adoption proceedings.

Faith Getz Rousso New York Adoption Attorney As Seen In Newsday

And social media makes 3: New generation of parents adopt using Facebook, Instagram

Updated January 10, 2019

"Adoption attorneys guide families through the process, protecting them from scams by helping them identify red flags, and ensuring that all adoption laws are followed," said Getz Rousso, herself an adoptee. 

Faith Getz Rousso New York Adoption Attorney As Seen on Good Morning America

Family uses Instagram to adopt child

July 6, 2018

I discussed utilizing social media to connect with an expectant parent in private adoption. This includes Facebook Promotions, Instagram, Twitter, Google Ad Words.

Faith Getz Rousso New York Adoption Attorney As Seen In Newsday

Three Identical Strangers' chronicles eye-popping tale of LI triplets separated at birth

June 20, 2018

In the early 1960s, splitting up siblings and hiding their biological information wasn’t necessarily considered unethical, according to Faith Getz Rousso, an adoption attorney in Garden City. Rousso, herself a product of the Louise Wise system, has followed the triplets’ story with interest over the years. “At the time, the emphasis was on protecting the adoptive family,” she says. “They were always afraid the birth mother would come back and take the baby.” As a result, adoptive parents and children alike were often told nothing about genetic conditions, histories of mental illness and other important factors.


“It never occurred to them that it would be in the best interest of the child to know something about their past,” Rousso says.

Faith Getz Rousso New York Adoption Attorney As Seen In America Adopts

Why Adoptive Parents Need To Know And Respect Their Child’s Birthmother America Adopts!

June, 2018

This guest post is by Faith Getz Rousso, an adoptee and adoption attorney.
In full transparency, I wear a lot of hats. I am a mom to two biological sons and an adoption attorney who has been involved in hundreds of open adoptions.
I was also adopted into a loving family that never expected me to know my biological family.

Faith Getz Rousso New York Adoption Attorney As Seen In Bust

Why More Single Women Are Adopting Children Than Ever Before

March 2015

Rousso, herself an adoptee, frequently works with single women on their journey to find a child, and has spoken at the annual APC Adoption Conference in Brooklyn, NY, on the topic of adopting as a single parent.

In the Community

Faith Getz Rousso New York Adoption Attorney with Nassau County DSS At NY Liberty Camp Day
Faith Getz Rousso New York Adoption Attorney is a member of the New York State Bar for over 25 years
Faith Getz Rousso New York Adoption Attorney Certificate of Appreciation from Nassau County DSS
Faith Getz Rousso New York Adoption Attorney Nassau County Women's Bar Association

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