The Difference​ Between​ Agency and Private Adoption
The Law Office of Faith Getz Rousso, P.C. represents prospective adoptive parents who are pursuing private independent domestic adoption and private agency assisted adoption.
Adoption Agencies are permitted to introduce ("match") biological parents to adoptive families. The Law Office of Faith Getz Rousso, P.C. represents families that are working with licensed New York adoption agencies, to consult on potential placements for legal issues, post adoption contact agreements, and to represent the adoptive families in filing their adoptions.
Private independent adoption does not restrict who may adopt, as long as, the individual(s) are certified by the Court. Prospective adoptive families are responsible for their own media placement and outreach in efforts to connect with a biological family. Private adoption gives you an opportunity to be part of the process...each step of the way. The Law Office of Faith Getz Rousso, P.C. will guide you through the private adoption process, by assisting with your media plan right from the beginning!